KJPIANOS APT Enrolment Form KJPIANOS Academy of Piano Technology - Enrolment Form Training Provider: KJPIANOS Academy of Piano Technology Student Details: Student Number: (if applicable) Title:(Required) First Name:(Required) Family Name:(Required) Other known as Names: Sex:SelectMaleFemaleDate of Birth:(Required) Home Address:Unit: No.:(Required) Street:(Required) Suburb/Town:(Required) State:(Required) Post Code:(Required) Country (if other than Australia) Mobile No.:(Required) Home Phone: Email:(Required) Employment:Employment Details: Company Name: Unit: No.: Street: Suburb/Town: State: Post Code: Country: (if other than Australia) Work Phone: Email: Supervisors or Managers name: Education:Are you still at school?(Required)SelectYesNoWhat is your highest completed school level?(Required) In what year did you complete that school level?(Required) Prior Educational Achievements:Since leaving school, have you COMPLETED any Tertiary qualification? If yes, tick any applicable box: Trade Certificate Advanced/Technician Certificate Associate Diploma Undergraduate Diploma Degree or Postgrad Diploma Unspecified Prior Ed Ac On the job Piano Industry Training Other Certificate Specify piano industry trainers name and company (if applicable) Place of Birth:Were you born in Australia?(Required)SelectYesNoIf no, where were you born? Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Origin?(Required)SelectYesNoAre you an overseas full fee-paying student?SelectYesNo Language:Do you speak a language OTHER THAN English at home?(Required)SelectYesNoIf yes, please specify the main language spoken at home: Medical Condition/Disability: Do you consider yourself to have any permanent and significant disability that could impact on your capacity to complete the training program?SelectYesNoIf yes, tick any applicable box: Visual/Sight/Seeing Hearing Physical Intellectual Chronic Illness Specify condition/disability Unspecified disability How many Covid-19 vaccinations have you had?(Required)Select012345More Transport:Do you have your own transport?(Required)SelectYesNoDo you have a current valid licence?(Required)SelectYesNo I still have questions! Click Here for more information.