0407 018 166



KJPIANOS Academy of Piano Technology is a piano tuning academy based in Western Sydney Australia. This course is the beginning basics to Learn to become a piano tuner technician. With the shortage of Piano Tuners in Australia, we are training the next generation of tuners and technicians.


KJPIANOS Academy of Piano Technology is located Suite 4, Level 1, 261 Old Northern Road, Castle Hill NSW 2154. Unfortunately, disability access is not available.

Getting Here

KJPIANOS Academy of Piano Technology is within walking distance of Castle Hill Metro Station. Parking is available behind the building. (Check Signs).

Course Length

As a student of KJPIANOS APT, you will receive up to 12 months of expert personalised tuition from highly experienced concert technician Keven Jenkinson (ARPT)(RPT).


Thousands of pianos are imported into Australia each year, yet we have a shortage of qualified piano technicians to service them.

KJPIANOS Academy of Piano Technology is run by concert technician Keven Jenkinson (ARPT)(RPT) who has over 35 years industry experience.

The comprehensive course provides the opportunity for students to be trained in high level tuning and acoustics as well as developing the skills required to run a small business.

Learning Outcomes!

– Tune a piano aurally and electronically within time and accuracy constraints

– Follow safe working policies and practices

– Develop control of tuning lever

– Tune unisons aurally to a beatless condition

– Tune a temperament

– Understanding piano tuning fundamentals, basic acoustics and electronic tools
– Regulate (adjust) action keys and pedals of upright and grand pianos

– Repair upright and grand piano action, keys, strings and pedals

– Pitch raise and tune a piano

– Develop knowledge of piano industry

– Voice a piano

– How to run a small business

  • Tools are included

Students receive personalised tuition from one of Sydney’s leading piano technician, Keven Jenkinson (ARPT)(RPT).

There is one (1) intake for up to eight (8) students per year with four (4) in each group starting the first week of February. Registration essential.

Enrolments close October 30th.

Trial period before enrolment.

Before enrolment, interested students will be added to our enrolment list. Students will spend a day with the instructor (closer to enrolment) so both the student and instructor can determine if both wish to proceed. Should the student and instructor agree, the student will be placed on a shortlist and will be offered a student position if successful.

Course Length
Students can graduate from the course up to 12 months after their start date and by completing the APTTA exam (cost included). Some students may complete the course faster depending on dedication and skill.

Training is an open classroom which is carried out at various locations on variety pianos. Students are engaged in study and attend personalised practical training 2 days a week between the hours of 10am – 4pm. Times and days may vary according to our schedule (Group 1 Wednesday – Thursday) (Group 2 Friday – Saturday) but are arranged in advance with each eligible student using online student calendar.

Entry requirements
There are no formal academic requirements but prospective students should have excellent fine motor skills, a musical aptitude, commitment to study, ability to lift up to 20kg, completed Higher School Certificate (HSC), be over the age of 18, have own transport and be self-motivated.

Must be an Australian Permanent Resident.

Students from all over Australia are welcome but maybe required to live in Sydney or Western Sydney Australia for the entire duration of the course or be prepared to travel.

Student will benefit more by having their own piano to practice on after hours.

Student must be vaccinated with at least 3 or more vaccinations.

Own an iPhone or iPad with IOS 16.. or higher

A free iPad mini maybe availabe, but only be supplied from our supplier if they are running a promotion. T&C apply.

The student must be totally committed to the course with the outcome to run own business.

The course costs $22,000 inc GST, which must be paid in full 4 weeks before course starts. The course includes a comprehensive tuners tool kit and all relevant course text material.

Please note: due to high expenses and commitment on both the teacher and student required, there are no refunds should you change your mind and drop out. T&Cs apply.

More Questions?

Book a Zoom meeting at the bottom of this page.


Students must register themselves and have an interview.
Should someone else register on students behalf, application maybe refused.
Register Now

Register to apply now.

International Piano Tuning School


Piano Tuning School – Shortage of Piano Tuners in Australia